The Families Plus Wraparound Health Care Model organizes the community and the health care system to step in early and stay involved with a complete package of support that holds promise to bring children through into healthy, educated, and productive young adults.
Our Vision
A community where every child enters adulthood healthy (mentally and physically) with a high school diploma, avoidance of teen pregnancy, and no legal or substance abuse prevalent.
A community where every child enters adulthood healthy (mentally and physically) with a high school diploma, avoidance of teen pregnancy, and no legal or substance abuse prevalent.
Families Plus Therapists on our staff include Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and Licensed Marriage and Family Counselors. They are at the center, coordinating resources and wraparound services ensuring the needs of each child and their family are being met.
They are:
They are:
- -Experts in helping children work through behavior and emotional problems
- -Present to advocate for the parents and grandparents
- -Specialized training in trauma-informed care, child and adolescent treatment, substance abuse treatments; family therapy; and system-of-care treatments
Parent Partners are dedicated advocates for the children and families in need of our services, providing insight into resources and opportunities available within our community. They work directly with parents and our therapists to ensure each child is getting the support they need.
some of the ways parent partners help
- Para-professionals stand right alongside parents to help them find resources to provide for their children using the philosophy “Where there is a will, there is a way"
- Help parents work with programs to get needed fee discounts or scholarships so children can afford to participate.
- Stand behind parents who are facing life problems such as inadequate housing, broken cars, health problems, or legal entanglement.
health care providers
Classroom teachers spend many hours with their students. This gives them the insight to work with parents, caregivers, therapists, and mentors to help guide a child through developmental challenges.
A behavioral assessment tool is used to help gauge the needs of the child and keep each student on grade level in their learning. A tutor can be available one evening per week to help any student if needed.
Mentors, volunteers, and donors
Families Plus focuses on bringing the community together to help children in challenging circumstances for the betterment of the community.
- We work to ensure that each child is in skill-building and extracurricular activities outside of school. We do this by working with community partners and covering activity expenses.
- Almost 200 local residents have mentored a Families Plus participant over the years
- Mentors, tag-along mentors, tutors, bakers, assemblers, drivers, etc all put in what they have to support youth in our community
- Family Plus Board of Directors consists of individuals who donate their time each month to keep the organization efficient and strong
- Business donors: many local businesses give $300 or more a year to support services for Families Plus children
- Individuals join the Hand-up Club and give $100 or more each year to support services for these children
- Combining volunteer hours, mileage, and goods, local residents invest well over $100,000 a year into these children
Not all families or children in our program need or use all of our services. Our therapist work closely with parents and caregivers to decide what your child needs and what they will benefit from. We are flexible to your needs and realize that your needs change over time.
- A mental health provider works with you and your child.
- Parent Partners help support the family to obtain resources and support for basic needs.
- A tutor who is available one evening per week to help any student.
- Grade and attendance monitoring that helps ensure that your child is being successful in school.
- A volunteer mentor or mentoring family that invites your child to spend time with them to give you a break and give your child interesting new experiences.
- The opportunity to have job shadowing and skill-building activities with volunteers in the community.
- Support obtaining scholarships or other help to pay for sports programs.
- Support to help find scholarship enrollment fees for youth clubs, summer camps, and lessons.
- Help with whatever life might throw at you!
Financial Support