Vice President:
In addition to the regular board member duties, the vice president will perform the following duties:
In addition to the regular board member duties, the secretary will perform the following duties:
Board Member:
- Preside over meetings ensuring there is a quorum. Facilitate the board meetings by making sure the agenda is closely followed, every board member has the opportunity to participate in discussions, and the board uses proper decision-making methods.
- Plan for board meetings with the liaison to the board who is appointed by the executive director. Sometimes the executive director will be involved in the planning. Members of the board should be asked for requests for items to be added to the board agenda. This call for agenda items typically occurs 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
- Call executive committee meetings when necessary between board meetings.
- Call for votes via email, text, etc. between board meetings when necessary and the vote(s) cannot wait for the next meeting. Be the staff contact person for the board if/when a staff grievance gets to that point. Convene the executive committee to discuss the grievance.
- Be a member of one of the three supporting committees.
- Write a statement to certify the appropriateness of the executive director’s salary every July. Needs to be signed by the president and treasurer (There is a manual that has this information). This goes in the executive director’s file.
- Maintain a working relationship and collaboration with the executive director and Families Plus’ liaison to the board while representing the board.
Vice President:
In addition to the regular board member duties, the vice president will perform the following duties:
- Perform any duties of the president if the president cannot fulfill those duties.
- Attend executive committee meetings as needed.
In addition to the regular board member duties, the secretary will perform the following duties:
- Attend executive committee meetings as needed.
- Track action items. Present those still needing action at board meetings. These items are currently kept on a spreadsheet by the liaison to the board.
Board Member:
- Participate in the Annual Meeting of Families Plus which is typically a day long event.
- Participate in 5 other Board Meetings throughout the year. Board Meetings typically last from 1 to 2 hours.
- Be a member of one of the 3 committees supporting Families Plus. These meetings typically occur during the month the regular Board does not meet.
- Participate in other activities that promote our cause. Be an ambassador.
- Support the on-boarding of new Board Members.
- Become familiar with our mission, strategic plan, bylaws, board manual, and grievance procedures.
- Contribute at least 5 hours a month of time and an annual cash donation of any size.
- Respond to emails and texts, needing a special vote or opinion between meetings.
- Work with the Outreach Committee by giving the contact person a bio to put on our webpage.
115 Grand Ave Ste 2 Delta, CO 81416 |
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